应土木工程学院陈文礼教授、高东来副教授邀请,韩国釜山国立大学(Pusan National University),韩国翰林院院士、Journal of Visualization主编Kyung Chun Kim教授将于2023年6月28日作报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。
报告时间:2023年6月28日 9:30-11:00
报告地点:腾讯会议:160-902-497 密码:230628
报告主题: How Bubbles Play with Turbulent Jet and Plume?
报告人Kyung Chun Kim教授简介
Prof. KC Kim received his BA degree at Pusan National University, Korea in 1979. He received MS and Ph.D degree at KAIST, Korea in 1981 and 1987 respectively. Since 1983, he is a professor at School of Mechanical Engineering in Pusan National University (PNU), Korea. He was invited as a visiting professor from Ottawa University in Canada for 1989-1990. He joined at the department of theoretical and applied mechanics in University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA as an invited professor for 1996-1997. He was invited as a special foreign professor from the University of Tokyo, Japan for 2009-2010. On the basis of his research outcomes, he became a member of National Academy of Engineering in Korea in 2004. He received the outstanding paper awards (1995, 2002) from KSME and KOSEF. In 2009 and 2016, he received the Academic award and the first Yeosong award from KSME. He received Nakayama award in 2012 and Asanuma award in 2014 based on contributions in world Visualization society. KC Kim was selected as a PNU Distinguished Professor in 2018. In 2019, he received Busan Science and Technology award.
Prof. KC Kim is currently serving as an Editor in Chief for Journal of Visualization. In 2020, he was selected as the director of Regional Leading Research Center for Eco-friendly Smart Ship. His research interests include: Turbulence, Two-Phase Flows, Flow Visualization, and Artificial Intelligence.