应我校土木工程学院吕大刚教授的邀请,丹麦奥尔堡大学土木工程系教授Michael Havbro Faber (-Nielsen)院士将于4月9日至12日来我院访问,并开设名称为“Risk and Safety”的系列讲座,具体信息如下:
日期 | 时间 | 主题 | 地点 |
4.10 星期二 | 10 : 00 – 11 : 45 | Probabilistic Systems Engineering | 主楼101教室 |
14 : 00 – 15 : 30 | Value of Information in Structural Health Monitoring | 土木工程学院 303室 |
15 : 30 – 16 : 00 | Coffee Break and Discussion | 土木工程学院 303室 |
16 : 00 – 17 : 30 | On the Regulation of Life Safety Risks | 土木工程学院 303室 |
4.11 星期三 | 14 : 00 – 15 : 30 | Probabilistic Systems Characteristics - Robustness, Resilience and Sustainability | 土木工程学院 303室 |
15 : 30 – 16 : 00 | Coffee Break and Discussion | 土木工程学院 303室 |
16 : 00 – 17 : 30 | Discussion | 土木工程学院303室 |

Michael Havbro Faber(-Nielsen)教授是工程可靠度、风险和安全评估研究领域的国际知名专家,丹麦科学技术院院士。现任奥尔堡大学土木工程系教授,哈尔滨工业大学兼职博导。Faber教授于1989年在奥尔堡大学(Aalborg University, AAU)获得博士学位。先后在苏黎世联邦理工学院(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETH Zurich),丹麦科威公司(COWI),丹麦技术大学(Technical University of Denmark, DTU),奥尔堡大学等单位任职,同时也是一些国际知名大学的客座教授。Faber教授曾任丹麦技术大学(Technical University of Denmark, DTU)土木工程系主任,作为主要研究人员参与“全球决策支持组织(Global Decision Support Initiative, GDSI)”(始建于2014年)的教学和科研工作;瑞士苏黎世联邦工业大学(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETH Zurich)结构工程系“风险与安全研究中心(Group of Risk and Safety)”的主任;并长期担任“结构与安全联合委员会”(Joint Committee on Structure and Safety, JCSS)主席(2006-2011)。作为主要负责人,Faber教授组织编写了国际标准《结构可靠性通则》(ISO2394-2015: General Principles of Reliability for Structures)第四版,并得到了世界范围的广泛好评。Faber教授目前担任欧盟项目“COST Action TU 1402: Value of Information in SHM”的首席科学家和其中子项目的负责人;长期担任“世界经济论坛”全球巨灾风险顾问委员会委员;同时也是IFIP WG7.5国际工程决策论坛(International Forum On Engineering Decision Making, IFED)的创始人。近年来累计发表顶级期刊论文33篇,顶级会议论文28篇,撰写专著5部,受邀在国际会议上做主题报告30余次,Google学术H指数(H-index)为33,据Google Scholar统计被引用4000多次。鉴于Faber教授在相关领域的杰出研究成果,他被邀请为本领域众多顶级期刊的编委和审稿人,包括:Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Structural Safety, Computer-aid Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Geo-Risk Journal, ASCE Journal of Structure Engineering等。
1) Value of Information in Structural Health Monitoring
Bayesian decision analysis in civil engineering was introduced by Benjamin and Cornell already in 1960 and has since played an important role for the optimization of design and management of safety, risk and reliability of structures and infrastructure systems. One particular variant of decision analysis, namely the pre-posterior decision analysis has however, despite its strong potentials in engineering decision making, been largely overseen. The present lecture provides first a basic presentation of the prior, posterior and pre-posterior decision analysis and thereafter elaborates on the use of the pre-posterior decision analysis in the context of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). It is shown that the pre-posterior decision analysis – in the form of Value of Information analysis - provides a consistent and powerful means for assessing the benefits of SHM strategies even before they are implemented.
2) On the Regulation of Life Safety Risks
Life safety management is a key component in sustainable societal developments. In civil and not least in structural engineering, life safety management has been a focal point of research and development efforts for more than half a century – and methods of structural reliability have evolved to facilitate this with great success. In the present lecture the philosophy and rationale for managing life safety risks is presented. Taking basis in the marginal lifesaving costs principle from health economics it is shown how the Life Quality Index (LQI) may be applied to quantitatively assess whether engineering decisions with impacts on life safety are coherent with societal preferences for investments into life safety and also whether they are affordable. Moreover, it is shown how the LQI principle facilitates assessment of risks according to the ALARP principle and how it is utilized for setting target reliabilities for structures in design codes. Finally, the issue of how requirements to life safety risks should be understood in the context of regulations, standards and codes is addressed, with a special focus on temporal and spatial variability in life safety risks in the built environment.
3) Probabilistic Systems Characteristics - Robustness, Resilience and Sustainability.
The pressures on the Earth system originating from human activities are manifold, tremendous and vividly apparent. Both at the political and academic agendas sustainability of societal developments has become a top priority. At the same time there is an increasing demand for improved public welfare; calling for enhanced efficiency, reliability and resilience in all societal activities. It is evident that failure to achieve and maintain sustainable and resilient societal developments must be taken seriously at all levels of societal decision making. But how do we model resilience and sustainability such as to facilitate societal decision support?
The present lecture takes up this challenge and presents and discusses a framework for designing and managing resilience and sustainability of engineered systems.
Each of the lectures will have a duration of approximately 90 minutes followed by 10-15 minutes for questions and discussions.