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印度塔帕尔大学Rafat Siddique教授讲学通知
发布人:杨瑜蓉  发布时间:2024-06-21   浏览次数:12


应土木工程学院高小建教授的邀请,印度塔帕尔大学(Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology),Construction and Building Materials编辑、Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering副主编Rafat Siddique教授将于2024622日到630日访问我校,并作报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。


报告时间:2024624 9:30-11:00


报告主题:Supplementary Cementing Materials – Metakaolin & Silica Fume


报告时间:2024625 9:30-11:00


报告主题:Utilization of Industrial Byproducts in Concrete – Part 1


报告时间:2024626 9:30-11:00


报告主题:Utilization of Industrial Byproducts in Concrete – Part 2


报告时间:2024627 9:30-11:00


报告主题:Supplementary Cement Materials – Fly Ash


报告时间:2024628 9:30-11:00


报告主题:High Performance Concrete


报告时间:2024629 9:30-11:00


报告主题:How to publish in Q-1 Journals


报告人Rafat Siddique教授简介


Rafat Siddique教授,于1986年获得鲁尔克拉国立理工学院土木工程学士学位,随后进入博拉理工学院就读,并先后于1988年获得结构工程专业硕士学位,1993年获得同校博士学位。现如今担任塔帕尔工程技术学院土木工程系高级教授,兼多所国际大学客座教授,拥有三十多年丰富的教学和研究经验。他先后完成了55次国外学术访问,举办专家讲座十余次,受邀担任过65 场印度国内外学术活动客座讲师和主讲人。现担任《Construction and Building Materials》(Elsevier)编辑,《Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering》(ASCE)、《Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials》(Taylor & Francis)和《Journal of King Saud University》等期刊副主编,在土木工程材料领域极具影响力。


Rafat Siddique教授主要致力于研究:自密实混凝土、微生物混凝土、工业副产品在水泥基材料中的应用、用废料制成的混凝土渗滤液的特性,以及混凝土在高温下的性能。现已出版四部领域相关著作,并在各种国际知名期刊和会议上发表学术论文210余篇,总引用数超22000多次。

Prof. Rafat Siddique received his BA degree at National Institute of Technology, India in 1986. He received MS and Ph.D degree at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, India in 1988 and 1993. Since 1993, he is a professor at School of Civil Engineering in Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, India,as well as a Visiting Professor at multiple international universities. He has over 30 years of rich teaching and research experience.He has completed 55 academic visits abroad, held more than ten expert lectures, and was invited to serve as a guest lecturer and keynote speaker at 65 academic events in various countries around the world.He is currently serving as the editor of Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier), as well as the deputy editor in chief of issues such as Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Sustainable Cement Based Materials (Taylor&Francis), and Journal of King Saud University. He has a significant influence in the field of civil engineering materials.

Prof. Rafat Siddique’s research interests include:Self-Compacting Concrete, Microbial Concrete, Use of Industrial By- Products in Cement-Based Materials, Characterization of Leachate from Concrete made with Waste Materials, and Properties of Concrete at Elevated Temperatures. He has published four books related to his field and has published over 210 academic papers in various internationally renowned journals and conferences, with a total citation count of over 22000.